What are postural issues | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Your Downtown Calgary Choice for Postural Issue Treatment!

What are postural issues | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Poor posture, like slumping, slouching, rounded shoulders, or forward head position can cause or contribute to many problems like back, shoulder, and neck pain. If you are suffering from postural issues, CoLAB Health and Body is here to help. Our dedicated professionals are here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness by helping to treat the symptoms associated with postural issues.

Postural Issues | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

What are Postural Issues?

Postural Issues | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Postural issues refer to an unnatural position of the spine, in which the curve of the spine is emphasized, resulting in the muscles, joints and vertebrae being in stressful positions. Poor posture usually results from muscle imbalance, lack of strength in key postural muscles, reduced endurance in postural muscles or overactivity in significant other muscles.

Postural issues symptoms | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Symptoms of Postural Issues

Postural issues symptoms | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

It is common for there to be painful conditions associated with poor posture. Low back pain is the most common complaint. Body aches and pains in the upper and lower back, neck, shoulder and arm are also common. Pain in the lower limbs including leg pain, knee or ankle pain can also occur.

Postural Issues Treatment | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Treatment for Postural Issues

Postural Issues Treatment | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

At CoLAB Health and Body, we take a collaborative approach to treatment. Combining chiropractic, Physiotherapy and massage therapy we can help with postural issues and the associated symptoms. Physiotherapy treatment may be quite effective, and may include stretching of tight muscles or tissues, exercises to strengthen the weak muscles, postural training exercises, home exercises for management and manual therapy to help reduce pain, increase flexibility or joint mobility, and improve overall posture and alignment. A chiropractor may help with postural issues by helping to identify and treat the underlying cause. Because a chiropractor understands the role and effects of the spine and its impact on poor posture, they are uniquely qualified to help with postural issues and correction. A chiropractor’s mass techniques of adjusting spines can help improve posture, strengthen the back and increase mobility.  Massage therapy can help to loosen and relax the muscles that are sore from poor posture, allowing the body to better position itself in a more natural and pain-free posture.

If you have postural issues, let CoLAB Health and Body help. If you have any questions about postural issues or treatment for postural issues, or you would like to set up an appointment with one of our dedicated team members, please call us at (403) 263-7477 and we will be happy to help!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call CoLAB Health and Body at (403) 263-7477 to set up your Postural Issues appointment consultation today!