TMD Dysfunction | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

Your Downtown Calgary Choice for TMD Dysfunction treatment!

TMD Dysfunction | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

If you are suffering from TMD dysfunction, CoLAB Health and Body can help. While most people associate chiropractors, physiotherapists, and massage therapists with care for issues related to the back, neck or spine, they may also be able to help release pain associated with your jaw, or TMD dysfunction. CoLAB Health and Body is pleased to offer treatments options for your TMD dysfunction so you can get back to optimal health and wellness.

What is TMD Dysfunction | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

What is TMD Dysfunction?

What is TMD Dysfunction | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic | Downtown Calgary, AB

TMD Dysfunction is a painful condition that causes dysfunction and pain in the jaw joint as well as the surrounding muscles of the face, neck, and head. The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the 2 joints that connect your lower jaw to the skull, and allows your mouth to open and close, and move from side to side. When these joins are properly aligned, no problems arise. When these joints are out of alignment, however, several problems can occur. TMD dysfunction refers to disorders of the temporomandibular joints, jaw muscles and the nerves associated with chronic facial pain. Any issues that prevent the bones, muscles, and joints from properly working together in harmony may result in TMD dysfunction.

TMD Dysfunction Treatment | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic Service | Downtown Calgary, AB

Effective Treatment for TMD Dysfunction

TMD Dysfunction Treatment | CoLAB Health & Body | Chiropractic Service | Downtown Calgary, AB

CoLAB Health and Body uses a combination of treatment options for TMD Dysfunction. A chiropractor may be able to help with TMD dysfunction by alleviating tension in the spine, which reduces pressure on various other nerves, which can then alleviate pain associated with TMD dysfunction. Massage therapy may help by treating the muscles and soft tissues of the neck, head, and jaw. TMD massage includes treatment inside of the mouth, which is very beneficial since it helps to release soft tissue restrictions.

Let CoLAB Health and Body help with your TMD dysfunction. If you have any questions about TMD dysfunction or TMD dysfunction treatment, or you suffer from TMD dysfunction and would like to make an appointment for treatment, please call us at (403) 263-7477 and we will be happy to help.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call CoLAB Health and Body at (403) 263-7477 to set up your TMD Dysfunction appointment consultation today!