Meet Colin Wasylynuk, FCAMPT


Colin completed his Bachelor of Kinesiology (BKin) from the University of Alberta prior to travelling to Sydney, Australia to complete his Master of Physiotherapy (MPT). While back on Canadian soil, Colin wanted to pursue more, in-depth knowledge around rehabilitation and helping his patients so he undertook the Master of Rehabilitation Science (MRSc) at the University of British Columbia. During this process, Colin was granted his Fellowship designation which entails extensive training after traditional physiotherapy programs in the area of orthopedics and hands-on therapy; this research-based training helps patients get better, recover faster, and stay healthier to return to pain-free living.

All the intricacies and connections between the body have caused him to further his knowledge in multiple areas through courses and further research. He has been involved in published research involving Platelet Rich Plasma and Central Sensitization in Chronic Whiplash patients and has spoken internationally regarding this topic. For everyone he sees, Colin loves diving deeper into the issue to find the root cause of pain and limitations while addressing the painful symptoms associated with injuries that come through the door.

For every patient, Colin believes treatment should include 3 things:

1) Education, 2) Exercise, and 3) Manual Therapy.

He believes that with individualized aspects of all three, he can help individuals become the best version of themselves.

Colin is obsessed with helping the Calgary community and playing his part in keeping them doing what they love. He is excited to work alongside his patients and help them achieve their functional goals! Outside of the clinic, he is an avid hiker and gym go-er.

Colin looks forward to seeing you soon!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Call CoLAB Health and Body at (403) 263-7477 to set up an  appointment with Colin Wasylynuk today!